Thursday, August 11, 2005

Pork Knockers?

Over the last couple of weeks, we've talked to a number of different non-5% African American people- both young and old- about their personal experiences with the Nation of Gods and Earths, and there is one particular family of responses that has come back with such overwhelming consistency, I've actually considered changing the name of this film.

"Oh the guys that don't eat pork?"; "I never converted because I like pork too much"; "A pig ain't never done nothing to me".

Surely an entire movement that won converts by the hundreds of thousands would be grounded in a theology that goes deeper than a pig? Yes? No? Have the Gods & Earths somehow fallen short of conveying what they were truly all about? Are we all really that ignorant? Can we buy a clue? Why are they so against the pig? Why are they so against the pig? "Why are they so against the pig?" Does the love of bacon preclude any fundamental understanding of what the Gods taught so passionately? What has the pig ever done to me? What has the pig ever done to me?

What has a pig ever done to me?