A year ago we embarked on a miraculous journey that began with one simple question, “Where are the Gods today?” When I set out to research the organization, what I discovered thereafter was pretty astounding. Today, all over the world the NATION OF GODS & EARTHS still stand strong but continue to be beleaguered and often misunderstood by misinformation, and in many cases extremist propaganda being made readily available to the general public.
The Nation, its founders and members have been called everything from black nationalists to hate mongers to a criminal gang. This is certainly not the movement I remember as a young woman growing up on the streets of Far Rockaway Queens and East New York Brooklyn. In fact, if you were to ask an African American person between the ages of 25-45 who have been exposed to the true doctrine on any level, the viewpoint might be entirely different.
The Nation of Gods and Earths have a unique history that influenced most of us who grew up in the ghetto – whether or not you converted or agreed completely. The average person does not know that the movement advanced primarily on the principles of the first amendment, or that Father Allah obtained the school in Harlem with the help of Mayor John Lindsay - and I hope to do the Nation justice by telling another side of the story.
At the height of the crack epidemic and failed social services systems, the messages offered by Father Allah; Clarence 13X Smith, were far-reaching for a Diaspora of people ignored by the mainstream. We will take you back in time - New York City circa 1964 – to a powerful movement whose contributions can be linked directly with the birth of the Hip-Hop culture. This documentary goes inside an urban political faction that has essentially promoted itself for more than four decades solely through the channels of self expression and urban youth.
I, along with some of my very talented production friends, have endeavored to shine some light on the overlooked, missed, and misunderstood elements of the story. What began as a modest start from the streets of Harlem, NY soon spread rapidly over the nation and was grounded firmly on the principles that built America; freedom of speech, and the divine right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
In the coming weeks, we will be reaching out to ask you to help us document this incredible story. If we don’t find you, please feel free to contact us at NOGProducers@yahoo.com. In the meantime, be well and be blessed.
Trina Love-Perrineau
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