Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Calling on...

“A Nation of Gods…” a documentary film
Taping/Casting calling on the Nation of Gods and Earths
Oct. 30, 2005
3:00pm - 5:00pm
@Harriet Tubman School
Learning Center (Gymnasium),
250 W. 127th Street (Harlem) New York, NY

Q– Who is the original man? A-the Asiatic Black man...What are the 12 Jewels of Islam...What is the 14th degree? Why is knowledge one? Wisdom two? Always knowledge before you speak... Never mock those who don’t understand, but give them teaching of understanding….Earth is 93,000,000 miles away from the sun...Calling your alike out of his righteous attribute is a form of disrespect… What is the value of the120? When did you obtain KOS?

This is an opportunity to properly represent the Nation’s teachings. Welcoming all Gods and Earths to come by and show and prove.
"A Nation of Gods..."
is a documentary film/work in progress by SunConjunctVenus Works Inc.
- a completely different kind of work

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

The Quest for Quintessence

Insignificant: unimportant, of minor importance, of little or not import, negligible, nugatory, inconsiderable, inconsequential, of no consequence, inapplicable, irrelevant, immaterial, unessential, unportentous, unmomentous, of no matter or concern, of little or no account, of no great weight, trivial.

During an extremely heated discussion last night with a former NYPD detective - who is an African American male and had worked in a Brooklyn narcotics unit in the 1980's - I was invited to find, in his words, "one positive thing the five percenters have contributed to society... Not rap songs and lyrics, but evidence of some success and one member who is not a criminal".

I accepted the challenge.

Obviously the former officer was not, and still is not, a fan of the group, but our discussion inevitably became centered around his apparent disdain - which he acknowledged himself - for brothers "who on one hand tell me Peace God, and then the next day, what's up Nigga." He went on to say that he arrested many alleged "five percenters" back in the 80's, and thought that their messages never made any sense. "If one of them came to my house I'd tell them to get the f*ck outta here with that b*llshit".

As a living and critically thinking human being, I obviously have an opinion, or several opinions, including my own take on the history and organization of the Nation of Gods and Earths. For the sake of clarification, I have said from the very beginning that this film is not being based on any one person or group's opinion - least of all mine. When one has taken on the task of documenting actual historic events it is crucial to leave your personal opinion where it belongs - out and alongside all the others - like a**holes. I have said that it is my intention to tell another side of the story - something juxtaposed to the predominantly available dogmatism.

I think it relevant to note that when we initially sat down with the former officer, he told me that "the five percenters were not significant, and no one outside of hip-hop cares". If that is indeed true, then I am immediately confounded by the tenacity of his position from the beginning, and the venom that leaped from his opinion and right into my face at the mere mention of the Nation of Gods and Earths.

So again I ask- as I had originally - Were the Nation of Gods and Earths utterly an insignificant - and now defunct - group of Black radicals that operated solely in NYC in the 1960's?

The Producers welcome your feedback by email at

Saturday, October 01, 2005

utilize, recognize, realize...

To the Allah School in Mecca: You are most gracious hosts, and we thank you unendingly.

To Allah B: You are truly a Jewel. Thank you for opening your heart and your doors.

To the Baron: Thank you for the reminder that what is said on the internet can never truly be "erased". Looking forward to building more with you and meeting the Minister. In the meantime, sending much light to Bagdad.

To the sister of Shakema Luanna Earth: Loved the simplicity; "I liked going to parliaments as a kid because I knew there was going to be good food and games".

To Busta Rhymes: Didn't want you to think you were being stalked, and your boys looked pretty scary at MIA.

To Dr. Peterson & Mr. Norwood: It was fun going to BED with you. We will definitely build more at Abington.

To Ariel Dominique: (That chicken knew what time it was, that's why he broke out.) Thank you always for the spirit of the revolution, never forget that you ARE the true spirit of Haiti.

To Steve Rosenbaum: No disrespect intended by the omission of CameraPlanet.

To the Intellectuals: Still not impressed by your ability to text message very quickly.