utilize, recognize, realize...
To the Allah School in Mecca: You are most gracious hosts, and we thank you unendingly.
To Allah B: You are truly a Jewel. Thank you for opening your heart and your doors.
To the Baron: Thank you for the reminder that what is said on the internet can never truly be "erased". Looking forward to building more with you and meeting the Minister. In the meantime, sending much light to Bagdad.
To the sister of Shakema Luanna Earth: Loved the simplicity; "I liked going to parliaments as a kid because I knew there was going to be good food and games".
To Busta Rhymes: Didn't want you to think you were being stalked, and your boys looked pretty scary at MIA.
To Dr. Peterson & Mr. Norwood: It was fun going to BED with you. We will definitely build more at Abington.
To Ariel Dominique: (That chicken knew what time it was, that's why he broke out.) Thank you always for the spirit of the revolution, never forget that you ARE the true spirit of Haiti.
To Steve Rosenbaum: No disrespect intended by the omission of CameraPlanet.
To the Intellectuals: Still not impressed by your ability to text message very quickly.
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