Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Calling on...

“A Nation of Gods…” a documentary film
Taping/Casting calling on the Nation of Gods and Earths
Oct. 30, 2005
3:00pm - 5:00pm
@Harriet Tubman School
Learning Center (Gymnasium),
250 W. 127th Street (Harlem) New York, NY

Q– Who is the original man? A-the Asiatic Black man...What are the 12 Jewels of Islam...What is the 14th degree? Why is knowledge one? Wisdom two? Always knowledge before you speak... Never mock those who don’t understand, but give them teaching of understanding….Earth is 93,000,000 miles away from the sun...Calling your alike out of his righteous attribute is a form of disrespect… What is the value of the120? When did you obtain KOS?

This is an opportunity to properly represent the Nation’s teachings. Welcoming all Gods and Earths to come by and show and prove.
"A Nation of Gods..."
is a documentary film/work in progress by SunConjunctVenus Works Inc.
- a completely different kind of work